First of all, let me just tell you how elegant I think this thing work. Just amazing!
This is my version in Canadian-french:
Code: Select all
hs.lang = {
loadingText : 'Chargement...',
loadingTitle : 'Cliquer pour annuler',
focusTitle : 'Cliquer pour amener au premier plan',
fullExpandTitle : 'Afficher ├á la taille r├®elle',
fullExpandText : 'Taille r├®elle',
creditsText : 'Moteur d\'affichage par <i>Highslide JS</i>',
creditsTitle : 'Site Internet de Highslide JS',
previousText : 'Pr├®c├®dente',
previousTitle : 'Pr├®c├®dente (fl├¿che gauche)',
nextText : 'Suivante',
nextTitle : 'Suivante (flèche droite)',
moveTitle : 'D├®placer',
moveText : 'D├®placer',
closeText : 'Fermer',
closeTitle : 'Fermer (esc ou Échappement)',
resizeTitle : 'Redimensionner',
playText : 'Lancer',
playTitle : 'Lancer le diaporama (barre d\'espace)',
pauseText : 'Pause',
pauseTitle : 'Suspendre le diaporama (barre d\'espace)',
restoreTitle : 'Cliquer pour fermer l\'image, cliquer et faire glisser pour d├®placer, utiliser les touches fl├¿ches droite et gauche pour afficher la suivante ou la pr├®c├®dente.'
«Web» is still an english word and «Internet» is a name, so its not translated. I think «Moteur d'affichage» sound better in french. It could be translated as «viewing engine» which is closer to what Highslide do.
┬½Pr├®c├®dente┬╗ et ┬½Suivante┬╗ should be feminine since ┬½image┬╗ (what is being shown) is feminine.
«Esc» is okay since we use so much english word anyway, but «Échappement» should not be contracted.
On the other hand, since I am nowhere near anything that even look like a programmer, I have some difficulties activating the french language. Where do I put this (hs_lang) code?
Cheers (from Canada)!