Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:18 pm

Default axis customization

Hello everyone,

I'm facing an issue with the Highcharts Gantt library and I could use some help. By default, the library adds a top x-axis that displays months and years. I have managed to modify my custom x-axis successfully. However, I'm currently stuck on customizing this specific x-axis which is default to the lib. I have spent a significant amount of time going through the documentation, but I haven't been able to find the specific class or method to use for modifying the text color, box color, and outer lines of this x-axis. I'm wondering if it's even possible to customize these elements in Highcharts Gantt.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
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Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:21 am

Re: Default axis customization


I can see that this is a duplicate post which you've posted earlier here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=49150&p=187463#p187452. We work as a single team across Highcharts forum (as well as other support platforms). Please do not duplicate your topics on multiple channels because it only disrupts our work. You do not have to worry because we always answer all questions on our support platforms. As you can see, a response to your topic has already been posted.

In case of any other questions related to Highcharts functionality, feel free to ask anytime.
Best regards!
Jędrzej Ruta
Highcharts Developer

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