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How to show HH:MM format X-axsis in gantt

I want to achive this view. How can this be plotted using gannt?
Each box can be assumed as a trian. Each train need to be plotted based on its start time. If the train starts late color will red and so on. Boxes are linked are linked to each other. Each of them can be drilled down more into collection of nodes.
graph2 2.png
graph2 2.png (63.85 KiB) Viewed 864 times
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Re: How to show HH:MM format X-axsis in gantt


Welcome to our forum and thanks for contacting us with your question!

I don't think such a view is possible with Highcharts Gantt. If you want to see sample charts created with this module, see the link below:

Your project is structured more like a network graph: https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-a ... work-graph

If you'd like to turn it into something similar, but run into a problem achieving it, feel free to ask.
Best regards!
Dawid Draguła
Highcharts Developer

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