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Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2022 4:06 am

Problem with map format understanding

I tried to use highcharts maps by this example: ... mo/geojson
But my geojson consist shape data only. I tried to add custom attributes data to the my geojson data with additional JS method after AJAX request will be loading. And there I've a problem. Can't understand how it must works.
request_by_data.png (29.92 KiB) Viewed 808 times
In my model I've `armed_data` section, where `armed` it's an integer and subsystems it's an array which contains 2D array (string as subsystem name and its counter).
request_by_struct.png (8.45 KiB) Viewed 808 times
Not sure that I fully understanding how I can correctly use .setData() or with this data structure
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Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:32 pm

Re: Problem with map format understanding


Welcome to our forum and thanks for contacting us with your question!

First of all, a map chart has two types of data:
- geojson (or typojson) - the shape of map and all information about projection, etc. (this is what we add into or series.mapData)
- normal data, that we supply the chart with, like concrete regions and values which we want to show (this is what we add to

If I understand correctly, you would like to combine your geojson with You can do this by various keys (hc-key, iso-a2, name, etc.) and series.joinBy.

So, if you have 'DE.SH' in your data, and want to combine it with geojson, you need to use series.joinBy: 'code_hasc' and additionally series.keys: ['code_hasc', 'value'], because Highcharts needs to recognize that in your 2D array, the first element is code_hasc and the second one is value.

You will find more information in our Docs and API Reference:

Let me know if that was what you were looking for,
Magdalena Gut
Developer and Highcharts Support Engineer
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2022 4:06 am

Re: Problem with map format understanding

Yes, it's helpful. I didn't guessed immediately with feature which called as "extended data array with keys". That is the first my mistake. Second, that I didn't fully understand the data map model which is explained in
Posts: 517
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:32 pm

Re: Problem with map format understanding

That's great to hear!

In case of any further questions, feel free to contact us again,
Magdalena Gut
Developer and Highcharts Support Engineer

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