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Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:13 am

dynamically updating series data issue with 11.1.0 vs. 9.0.1

I have an issue with using the newest version of highcharts to dynamically update series data. The series themselves are not supposed to change, just the numeric data values. But when I update(), all the y values are getting painted at y = 0.
To reproduce, see the desired behavior in the stackblitz and then update package.json to 11.1.0 see the issue behavior. ... st-version

(Thank you for quick and helpful replies to my past questions!)
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Re: dynamically updating series data issue with 11.1.0 vs. 9.0.1

Thanks for contacting us with your question!

The problem is with your data, because you're not pointing to which category should the point be added. I modified your data in such way that I extended each point by x value to the corresponding category spot.

I also disabled mouseWheel zooming which was added in v11, cause it's not working great when the xAxis is scrollable in this case.

Demo: ... ntainer.js

Let me know if that was what you were looking for!
Kind regards

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