the fixed pointWidth might interfere with the option, so in my opinion these two options might interfere with each other. Could you share the next demo with just 2 series, that you want to bring together with the problem visible?
Welcome to the official highcharts forum! it indeed does not sound good. Do you have some screenshots or demo, where I can see what the errors look like? From what I know, Highcharts do not use cookies and do not store any user data, so it might be some different issue. We are waiting for more infor...
Hey pricopz89,thanks for reaching out to us! To place the two stacks adjacent to each other without a gap, you'll need to modify the 'pointPadding' setting. You can find more details in our API documentation and in the demo below When your chart involves dates, we suggest using a xAxis type of 'date...
hey egholm, thanks for reaching out!
I couldn't reproduce your issue. Could you record a video or provide some more detailed reproduction steps? Thanks!
Hello Loilock, thanks for getting in touch. The cause might be related to various factors that influence the calculation of the yAxis extremes. This calculation considers more than just the min and max values—it also takes into account the values' magnitude, tick interval, axis length in pixels, amo...
hey vivek.parmar, Thanks for reaching out!
Sorry, but I don't completely get, what you mean by "copy labels". What part of the labels you want to get? The list of current labels on both axes, or SVG elements that are displayed?
Could you explain the use case more thoroughly? Thanks!
Hello, Thanks for connecting with us! Here are the ways to approach your points: 1. You can manipulate point selections with the `` method. Insert `, true)` within your loop. The first argument set to null facilitates toggling between selection and deselection of points,...
Hello! I have to inform you that such a property doesn't exist. However, I suggest arranging your series starting from the least number of nulls to the highest. This can help ensure the longest series is at the bottom. You also have the option of disabling stacking, or converting any missing digits ...
Hey there! We do have an API option called minPadding and maxPadding. It subtly extends the automatically calculated extremes, creating a bit more room between the minimum and maximum value of the chart and the extremes. Here's the link to learn more about it:
Hello Geri, To incorporate a button directly into the chart, you can take advantage of the `chart.renderer.button` method. ( In addition, you have the option to link a function to the click event. This function can subsequentl...
Hi Again!
Indeed, this is an already reported bug, that we are working on fixing. It is reported here ->
You can follow this thread for updates on potential workarounds / Fixes.